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F.A.M.E. offers your business the opportunity to support arts education in Sharon by advertising in the programs that we produce for school performances. These programs reach thousands of potential customers and clients! In addition, we offer our dedicated business supporters a special level of support – the opportunity to become a F.A.M.E. Angel. F.A.M.E. Angels receive: • A full-page ad in each of 3 programs for the Sharon High School musical and the Sharon Middle School musical and play • Your logo on F.A.M.E. signage at over 20 school events in 5 schools including open houses, art galleries, vocal and instrumental concerts, and theatrical performances • Your logo on F.A.M.E.'s website and monthly newsletters To advertise in a program or become a F.A.M.E. Angel, fill out the form below or click here for a PDF version of this form. For an example of a F.A.M.E. program, click here for the 2022 Sharon High School musical program. Note: although this electronic version is in color, it would be cost-prohibitive to print programs in color, so programs are printed in black and white.